How to practice self- care in the modern world at Apple

Earlier in January I was invited to speak at Apple, Covent Garden on how to practice self-care in the modern world. I shared wisdom snacks of the power of creativity, my cultural heritage and spiritual practices that have supported my healing journey.

In the afternoon I invited people to play and explore the power of textures, slowing down and feeling into your body. People left feeling “uplifted”, “lighter” in their bodies, “inspired to be more courageous”, and feeling more “calmer in the minds. We had people who signed up for the experience and a few folks were spontaneously joined us as they felt drawn to the texture table.

The “third space” can be cultivated anywhere, through a loving, present and non-judgemental practice. Empathy is an embodied practice, a way of being, connecting and feeling with the world. This experience highlighted that even a busy retail environment can be reshaped into a healing portal.

What made this experience extra special for me, was the connection of the wonderful staff at Apple, Covent Garden. From the moment of arrival into the store, I was welcomed with warmth, kindness, and care. All the team members I connected with were curious and excited to see what would unravel from the bag of textures.


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