The Power of Intention

Last week we held our embodied collaging workshop with Collage Club at The NOW Gallery in Greenwich.

Our session began with a grounding practice and tuning into our hearts. Then Steph guided us through collage exercises that reflected our mood, then lead us into create intention cards. We closed with a collective sharing of our creations and intentions. Our group loved the therapeutic space that wove together embodiment practices with collaging, listening, sharing and calming music.

What did we learn?

✨Creating with our hands releases tension from our mind and body. It helps us to slow down, be present and connect to what is really important

✨Hearing other people’s lived experiences inspires and empowers us

✨The process of creating brings us joy. When we focus on the outcome, we get absorbed in our self critical thoughts

✨We are all longing for freedom - to cultivate a life aligned to our values and purpose

Our group left our workshop feeling:

🌀Connected, accepted and peaceful
🧡Aware of their values and intentions
✨A sense of connection, joy and gratitude
🦋Excited to cultivate creative practices with their loved ones
🌸Conscious of what they want and need

Thank you to everyone who courageously opened up and shared their ideas and feelings in a space with us all.

A massive big up to the talented Josh Croll or capturing the vibes and essence of work.


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